After we'd filled our boots we walked down the South Bank and went to Namco which is an indoor arcade and games place in County Hall. I'd seen they had a small bowling alley and Sam loves playing bowling on the Wii so I knew he'd enjoy it. It was £3 per person per game and the best thing is you don't have to wear those horrid bowling shoes! Obviously I won but I cheered Sam up with a few arcade games where you win tickets which we swapped for a bag of sweets.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
The Last Hurrah!
After we'd filled our boots we walked down the South Bank and went to Namco which is an indoor arcade and games place in County Hall. I'd seen they had a small bowling alley and Sam loves playing bowling on the Wii so I knew he'd enjoy it. It was £3 per person per game and the best thing is you don't have to wear those horrid bowling shoes! Obviously I won but I cheered Sam up with a few arcade games where you win tickets which we swapped for a bag of sweets.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Ee by gum
I do like to be beside the seaside
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Riots and Rabbits
I've also been suffering this week with lack of sleep and a bit of an upset stomach, but we managed one day out.
I decided to go to Mudchute Farm, quite a big farm on the Isle of Dogs. As usual I checked the website first to see what it looked like and how to get there. They tell you to go to Crossharbour as this is the easiest station to access the entrance to the park and farm. What they don't tell you is that it isn't the easiest access if you have a buggy or wheelchair. The entrance had around 10 steps going up to it and when I got to the top there was a gate that obviously was there to stop animals escaping but wasn't big enough to fit a buggy through (unless it folded up). One of the down sides to travelling around on your own with children is you don't have that second pair of hands, it was impossible for me to fold up the buggy and hold Ava so I decided to look for another entrance. Ten minutes walk later we found another entrance - directly opposite Mudchute station! I could have stayed on the train and saved myself the hassle. That entrance was OK, but then I encountered another problem - the path leading to the farm was sand - pretty difficult to push a buggy on - gah!
When we got to the farm I was a bit disappointed, yes it is free but it just felt a bit run down. I needed to feed Ava so we went to the cafe and got a drink. Now, I know it was on a farm but the amount of flies that were in the cafe were unbearable. All over the serving counter and swarming round whilst we were sat having a drink. I've been to quite a few farms and never had this before. I also had to wait ages to be served whilst the blokes in the kitchen ignored me.
We left the farm and went off to find the play park they mention on the website. I have lived in London for about 15 years and I don't think I've ever felt particularly nervous anywhere during the day. But this park made me feel uncomfortable - maybe this was partly to do with what's been happening around here this week, I don't know but I do know I had to get Sam to leave pretty quick as I just didn't want to be there.
So all in all a bit of a disappointing trip out. But Sam got to ride on his beloved trains.......
Friday, 5 August 2011
Trams, trains and all that
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Sea Men and Mad Women
I really didn't fancy going out today because it was pouring down but I knew Sam would be really upset if we didn't go. So we donned our (not so) waterproof coats and set off for the station (I drove, didn't fancy the walk there today). We made our way to Kings Cross and then walked to The Brunswick Centre which is a shopping centre/housing complex. We got absolutely soaked and I got a bit lost, by the time we got there I looked like Crystal Tips and felt like a drowned rat.
The event was really good, not too busy (and free!). A performer (better than the pirate one in the museum last week) got the children to tell him all about Octonauts and read one of the books, there were colouring activities and at the end Captain Barnacles appeared. There was then an opportunity for the children to have their photo taken, however Sam obviously takes after me as he didn't want to do it. We were given a goody bag with a free book and some masks and then headed out to see what the weather had in store for us. At the exit they were giving the mums 3 free chick-lit books which was an added bonus!
As it was lunch time I decided to treat Sam to a McDonalds (or Old McDonalds as he calls it). We went to the one at Kings Cross but first I had to stop to get some money from a cash machine. Probably a mistake in Kings Cross as within seconds a mad old lady had appeared and was trying to get money out of one of the machines with no cash card. She then decided to come up alongside me and ask me if I had managed to get money, being an honorary Londoner I ignored her then asked her to move away. Seeing Sam take the money and hand it to me she made some comment about "ooh children with money" I made a hasty retreat away from her and her long dirty toenails and bright pink lipstick.
After filling ourselves up with Happy Meals we headed home. There was obviously something in the air today as a woman got on at Hackney Downs and proceeded to tell me how irresponsible I was for leaving the pram with Ava in by the door. I tried to explain that the door she was by was on the opposite side of the platform for the first couple of stops and when she wouldn't listen I told her to mind her own business (I was sat right next to the pram btw).
One of my terribly neglected children.....
Was glad to get home and have a nice cup of tea today.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
The Only Way is Essex
A very busy splash park.............
Sam crashed out in the car on the way home and every now and again would fall onto my gear changing arm and dribble a bit. A good day was had by all and I hope to go back again soon - the only shame is the splash park is only open during school holidays or at weekends so i can't imagine it ever being quiet.......
Monday, 1 August 2011
Blackberry picking
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Happy Campers
Looking forward to Sunstock 2012 already!
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Ahoy there Shipmates
After our picnic we headed over to the museum which is near West India Quay station. We had 45 minutes to kill before the "show" started so we had a wander round the exhibitions. I was surprised that Sam actually seemed quite interested in a lot of it, he especially liked the part that showed how the DLR was built and hiding in this barrel!
The "show" was due to take place in a bit of a cramped corner in one of the exhibition rooms. We all sat round waiting for it to start when the bloke sat next to me suddenly started talking to everyone in a loud voice. That's when I realised he was an actor (probably cursing the fees he paid to RADA) pretending to be some bloke who wanted to be a pirate. The show itself was OK, the usual thing where he got parents up to make fun of them in front of their children and said "bum" and "poo" a few times for a cheap laugh. But Sam enjoyed it and that's the main thing. A plastic hook and telescope were purchased from the shop and then we headed home. My feet are killing me today!
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday 26th July
Today we went on a magical mystery tour of the train lines of East London. I should point out that Sam is a train fanatic so is quite easily pleased with riding on trains.