We ventured out into deepest darkest Essex to visit friends today. I'm not a very keen driver, especially when a journey requires me to drive on roads bigger than a single carriageway. But I really wanted to meet up with my friends and visit Maldon where one of them has just moved so I was very brave and we headed out onto the A12! It wasn't as bad as I had feared and thank goodness we've recently had our air conditioning fixed in the car.
A very busy splash park.............

Sam crashed out in the car on the way home and every now and again would fall onto my gear changing arm and dribble a bit. A good day was had by all and I hope to go back again soon - the only shame is the splash park is only open during school holidays or at weekends so i can't imagine it ever being quiet.......
We met at my friends house and then started out on a trek, sorry, walk ;o) to Promenade Park. The plan was to take the kids (8 in total) to the splash park but when we got there it was rammed. Not surprising really considering it's the school holidays and was it was so hot yesterday. We ummed and ahhed for a bit but in the end decided not to bother as we were worried we wouldn't be able to keep track of the younger ones. Also the queue just for the wristbands was huge. Instead we found a shady spot under a tree overlooking the estuary and had our picnic. After a brief walk around the park we headed back to my friends house via Morrisons (accompanied by lots of whinging) and bought the whingers water pistols and bubble wands and dispatched them into the garden while we sat inside and cooled off with ice creams.
A very busy splash park.............
Keeping cool
Sam crashed out in the car on the way home and every now and again would fall onto my gear changing arm and dribble a bit. A good day was had by all and I hope to go back again soon - the only shame is the splash park is only open during school holidays or at weekends so i can't imagine it ever being quiet.......
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