I prefer to go by train as it's faster and cheaper, although it does mean once we get there I regress to a teenager and need my mum and dad to drive me around! Only problem with the train is I pretty much always have some sort of delay on one of the journeys. This time was no different, as we got to Euston to catch the 11:40 to Wilmslow all trains were cancelled due to a broken down train near Milton Keynes (why is it the problem always in the Milton Keynes area?) After waiting for an hour I realised we weren't going anywhere so husband to the rescue and we got on the bus to his work in Soho where we de-camped for a while then went out to Wagamamas for some lunch. By the time we got back the trains were running so we headed back to Euston and managed to get on a train at 3:30. For once the train was empty - it was great! Sam had lots of seats to choose from and I didn't worry about Ava disturbing anyone. The staff were really helpful and one of them even offered to get me something from the on board cafe as I was feeding Ava.
Finally on our way......
We spent 4 days with my mum and dad, as usual rushing around trying to fit everyone in. We had our annual visit to Brookside Garden Centre to ride on the miniature railway and have a nice lunch in the italian cafe on site. The railway has been there since I was a teenager (or maybe younger, I don't ever remember going on it though). Sam loves it - and actually so do I!
The next day I met with an old friend in Manchester and her posse of three children. We had a picnic by the canal in Castlefield and then headed to the Museum of Science and Industry who were holding a Thomas the Tank Engine day. I've been to a few Thomas days in various railways and I have to say this wasn't one of the best (well not for the money £8 for Sam and £10 (!!) for me). Nevertheless it was lovely to catch up with Nicola and the kids had a good time.
Then we came across an unassuming little cafe which we thought would just do the basic sandwich fodder. We were pleasantly surprised when we ordered a mixed meze and a ploughmans to find all sorts of lovely food being served. I had a lovely plate of cheese and meat with nice crusty bread (Weightwatchers went out of the window that day). In the evening my oldest friend Rachel came over with her two girls, her eldest is starting high school today - it doesn't seem like five minutes since she was born!
On our last day before we left my brother, his wife and their 3 month old son came round for breakfast. It was lovely to see them and have all the cousins together. Then it was time to head back to the big smoke. Another quiet train and my lovely husband picked us up from Euston so we didn't have to battle the underground.
I love living in London but I will always be a proud northerner!
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