What's a pirates favourite shop?
(One of Sam's favourite jokes)
Today we went to see "How to Be a Pirate" at the Museum of London. We nearly didn't make it as there are two Museums of London and I was all ready to set off to the one near St Pauls. Luckily I was looking up the times this morning and realised it was at the one in Docklands. So another trip on the trains of East London for us today.
We took pretty much the same route as we did on Tuesday but went to Canary Wharf on the Jubilee Line from Canning Town. I love Canary Wharf as much as it feels completely alien to me. The whole corporate working thing is not something I've ever done and I always feel a bit overwhelmed in those places, the shopping centres underneath Canary Wharf are like giant anthills with people rushing from here to there collecting food along the way.
After getting lost a couple of times I found the M&S food hall and bought some supplies for a picnic. We happened upon Jubilee Park and eat our lunch in there. It's a real oasis in the middle of all the buildings and hustle and bustle with fountains and trees and lots of grassy areas to sit in.

After our picnic we headed over to the museum which is near West India Quay station. We had 45 minutes to kill before the "show" started so we had a wander round the exhibitions. I was surprised that Sam actually seemed quite interested in a lot of it, he especially liked the part that showed how the DLR was built and hiding in this barrel!

The "show" was due to take place in a bit of a cramped corner in one of the exhibition rooms. We all sat round waiting for it to start when the bloke sat next to me suddenly started talking to everyone in a loud voice. That's when I realised he was an actor (probably cursing the fees he paid to RADA) pretending to be some bloke who wanted to be a pirate. The show itself was OK, the usual thing where he got parents up to make fun of them in front of their children and said "bum" and "poo" a few times for a cheap laugh. But Sam enjoyed it and that's the main thing. A plastic hook and telescope were purchased from the shop and then we headed home. My feet are killing me today!